Pancakes or Hotcakes

​These are the American style hotcakes traditionally served with maple syrup and banana but you could sneak in a bit of bacon for some extra sustenance!

20 mins
Prep Time
Pancakes or Hotcakes



  1. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl.
  2. In another bowl beat the eggs and sugar with a whisk until pale and thick.
  3. Add the egg mixture and the milk to the dry ingredients and mix until just combined.
  4. Gently heat a non-stick frying pan and drop large spoonfuls of the mixture from the point of the spoon onto the surface.
  5. When bubbles start to burst on the top of the pikelets, turn them over and cook the second side until golden. Place in a clean tea towel to keep warm until they are all ready to serve.

Add your review

- Sharon -

they were very thick but overall very good!

Horsey pony

Yumm so good


Yum! total treat, *Perfect* All day breakfast we had for dinner, added the banana, crispy bacon & naughty Maple syrup. Actually have made this recipe (omit sugar) added Coriander for a mop up when we have the odd curry.


Does anyone reccomend this recipe?

Eli and Bella

It was a success after a while and very yummy


I love these !! , especially how easy it is to make ! , thanks so much edmonds for this nice & easy recipe ♥️.

Hone Potae

Lovely cooked in butter with a rash of lemon rind in the mix

Ilaria Anesll

Thank you


It was really thick


I like this recipe