Bacon & Egg Pie

The best ever picnic pie and a New Zealand favourite. Don’t forget to pack a bottle of your homemade Tomato Sauce in the picnic basket too.

1.5 hours
Prep Time
Bacon & Egg Pie



  1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC. Lightly grease a 20cm shallow cake tin or pie dish.
  2. Roll out half of the rough puff pastry and line the prepared dish or use 1 sheet of the ready-rolled pastry.
  3. Snip the bacon rashers into large pieces with kitchen scissors and arrange evenly over the pastry base.
  4. Break in the eggs and prick the yolks so that they run slightly. Season with salt and pepper. Brush the edges of the pastry with a little water.
  5. Roll out the other piece of pastry and lift it carefully onto the filling. Or use the second sheet of frozen pastry and press the edges together to seal.
  6. Using a sharp knife, cut away any excess pastry from the edges, arrange it in a stack to keep the layers intact and reroll. Cut out some leaves or other decorative shapes, and stick them on the top of the pie with a little water. Make 2–3 slits in the top of the pie. Brush the top with the milk or a little beaten egg.
  7. Bake for about 30 minutes or until the pie is a beautiful golden brown. Serve warm or cold.


  • 1 small onion, finely chopped, ½ cup mixed vegetables, 2 Tbsp spicy chutney
  • Sprinkle the onion and mixed vegetables evenly over the pastry when you scatter over the bacon. Dot the chutney on top and then break in the eggs.

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@Kenzy Harwood. A Pie has a sealed top where as a Quiche is an open top.
Such an uncomplicated recipe. That's what I look for online now.


So easy, not too being steps and just a classic bacon and egg pie


Just read your recipe and can’t believe how my bake is like yours


when cooking how do you get the base to be cooked through?

EDMONDS: Frank had a great suggestion below. Try putting your pie dish on a baking tray while cooking, it's been working really well for him. Let us know how it goes!


Do you cook the bacon before putting in the pie? I feel like it wouldn't be cooked enough if you put it in raw.


Best bacon and egg pie out ever

Patrice Tuwairua

Thank you. No one eats bacon and egg pie in Aussie unless your a kiwi. I miss it so much. I forgot to grease the pan. I hope it turns out ok. Thanks.

Rochelle Todd

Has always been a favourite in my family!! Thanks so much

Theresa Te Whata

This recipe is the easiest I have found, and so easily written out that I can follow it and understand it.
Thank you, I will be making this for dinner tomorrow night. I'm finding out its good to research and know what we are having for dinner the next night, just makes cooking a lot easier and enjoyable.


Excellent recipe