Kia 2 ngā kapu o te hinu huawhenua, kanōra rānei, me tētahi wāhi anō hei whakahinuhinu i te paenga
Raua atu te puehu parāoa, te huka, te īhi me te tote ki tētahi oko, ka kōrori ai kia hanumi ai. Āpitihia atu te nuinga o te wai mahana, ka kōrori ai kia hua ai he pokenga mohe. Āpitihia atu he wai atu anō ina hiahiatia.
Pokepokea te pokenga ki tētahi papa kua puehu parāoangia mō te 2 meneti.
Raua atu te pokenga ki tētahi oko kua whakahinuhinutia. Hipokina, ka waiho ai mō te 1 hāora, kia huarua rā anō rānei te tupu.
Whakahinuhinutia te paenga, ka āta takapapa ai i te pokenga ki ō ringa, kia tapawhā ai te hanga, kia āhua 1½ henemita hoki te mātotoru.
Tapahia kia 8 katoa ngā wāhi taurite. Hipokina, ka waiho ai mō te 20 meneti.
Whakamahanatia te hinu ki te parai (mā te pakeke koe e āwhina). Whakamātauria te pāmahana mā te hoatu i te kakau o te koko rākau ki te hinu. I tōna tikanga ka pūmau te pupū haere o te hinu, huri i te kakau. Tukuna te hinu kia wāhi mātao haere, ki te wera rawa.
Āta tukuna he wāhi pokenga e 2 ki te hinu, ka tunu ai i ia taha mō tōna 2 meneti, kia pupuhi, kia kōura rā anō. Toaitia ngā mahi nei ki ngā wāhi pokenga e toe ana.
Tukuna te parāoa parai ki te tāora pepa kia mitia ai te hinu. Kainga tahitia me ngā kīnaki pai ki a koe, kainga rānei hei kīnaki mō tō kai matua.
EDMONDS: Hi Sheryl, you are able to find the English translated version of the recipe in the description. You can also find it through the below link:
john van dijk
it was real nice thanks
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Ka rawe!
I’d have loved an English translation
EDMONDS: Hi Sheryl, you are able to find the English translated version of the recipe in the description. You can also find it through the below link:
it was real nice thanks