He Tapatui

You can also find this recipe in English: Sapasui

He Tapatui

Ngā Kīnaki

Te Whakapūkara

  • Kia 1 te kokoiti o te kāriki māota kōnatunatu
  • Kia 1 te kokoiti o te tinitia māota kuoro
  • Kia ¼ o te kapu wairanu hoi uriuri

  • Kia 400 karamu o te kārawarawa mīti kau
  • Kia 200 karamu o te kihu kōrahirahi
  • Kia 5 ngā kokonui o te hinu kanōra
  • Kia 4 ngā kokoiti o te kāriki māota kōnatunatu
  • Kia 2 ngā kokoiti o te tinitia māota kuoro
  • Kia ¼ o te kāpeti, kua kārawarawahia
  • Kia 1 te aniana wawaenga, kua tapahi tauritetia
  • Kia 1 te kāroti nui, kua kuorotia
  • Kia ½ o te kapu wairanu hoi uriuri


  1. Whakaranua ngā kai whakauru mō te whakapūkara ki tētahi oko. Āpitihia atu ngā kārawarawa mīti kau, hipokina, ka waiho noa ai mō te 30 meneti.
  2. Waiwaitia ngā kihu kōrahirahi ki tētahi oko wai mātao. Tiakina tētahi kapu o te wai, ka riringi atu ai i te toenga. Ki ngā kutikuti kāuta, kutia ngā kihu kōrahirahi.
  3. Whakamahanatia tētahi parai nui ki te tārahu wera. Āpitihia atu kia 2 ngā kokonui hinu, ka horo ai te parai i te mīti kau kia tūāparauri noa. Whakawhitihia atu ki tētahi oko.
  4. Āpitihia atu ki te parai ngā kokonui hinu e 3 e toe ana. Ka wera ana, āpitihia atu te kāriki, te tinitia, te kāpeti me te aniana, ka parai-kapekape ai mō te 3 meneti.
  5. Raua atu ngā kihu kōrahirahi ki te parai, ka kōrori atu ai, whāia rā ko te mīti, te kāroti, te wairanu hoi me te wai i tiakina i mua, ka whakaranu pai ai.
  6. Whakahekea te pāmahana kia tūāmahana noa. Taupokina, ka āta kōhua ai mō te 10 meneti.
  7. Kainga me te raihi mamaoa.

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Fabulous to see you offering recipes in te reo māori! And handy to have the link to the te reo pakeha version at the top of the page too!


Shame that most New Zealanders cannot understand this recipe, as the percentage who know te Reo Maori is very low. The recipe in English would be good too, please.

EDMONDS: Edmonds is a brand which accepts all cultures, communities and languages. We are here to support all New Zealanders on their cooking and baking journey. You will find the link to the English translation in the description of this recipe or you can find it by copying and pasting this link:

Margaret Monk

Please give English version

EDMONDS: Hi Margaret, you can find the English translated version in the recipe description or via this link: