Pizza Dough

Makes 4 large or 6 medium pizzas.

Pizza Dough



  1. Combine the flour, instant yeast and salt. Add the water and olive oil and knead the dough in an electric mixer for 5 minutes.
  2. Tip the dough on lightly floured bench and knead into a ball. It should feel smooth.
  3. Put into an oiled bowl, cover with a clean tea towel and leave to double in size, around 1-2 hours.
  4. Divide the dough into 4 (or 6), roll into balls and cover with a clean tea towel (if not planning on using all the dough at once put what you aren’t using into a zip lock bag and freeze. Simply defrost and roll out). Leave for 10 minutes.
  5. Roll out thinly on a lightly floured surface to 2 mm thickness. Put onto baking paper. Cover with toppings.
  6. Put a baking stone or oven tray in the oven and preheat to 230°C. Bake the pizzas for 6-10 minutes until puffy and golden.

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Went for Edmonds recipe as a long-standing, trust-worthy brand. Recipe absolutely useless - not enough detail in relation to method - my first time at making pizza bases. Ended up with slop which went straight into the bin.


yummAY PIzZaaaaaa .u.


The best dough I've had.


Edmonds has the best recipes. This is an easy quick pizza base to make. I make a large rectangle pizza with the dough and bake in oven!!!! 5/5!!!!


Love this recipe. The base always cooks nice and crispy.


Always get a great result with the pizza dough, even better if rested in fridge overnight, would 100% recommend

Kerina Lynch

Didn’t like the texture or flavour